finding forrester

Friday, September 30, 2011

sleepless nights and howling babes

"Sleep is like the unicorn – it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any."

ahhhh, sleep. like a dear friend who comes for a long-awaited visit, where coffee and catching up are all that is on the schedule... beloved sleep, where have you gone, why have you turned your gentle face from me? i long... i crave... i need...

evelyn is going through a faze. or at least i am praying it is a faze. she has been waking multiple times during the night and wanting to eat. she is a healthy, heafty bundle of rolls, some that go for miles, and not in any way in physical need of nourishment throughout the midnight hours.(so say the dr) she had us fooled starting around 5 or 6 weeks of age and until our recent move, proving to us that she could pull out 8 to 10 hours of blissful sleep. the kind that makes you adore her even more and want to just stare at her plump little cheeks and watch her belly heave up and down slowly in the wee hours of the night. we no longer stare at those aforementioned plump cheeks and heaving belly. no. we walk briskly... no, run...sometimes the bed in hopes of gaining just one four hour block of blissful zzzz's. and when i say "we" i generally mean i. being the wonderful, perfect wife that i tend to be i allow my husband to remain bed-bound until his work alarm goes off in the morning while i brave the front lines throughout the darkest hours of the night. so right now i am writing this half awake, half asleep. these days i somewhat resemble a zombie. at least i manage a little mascara, otherwise i'd look like the lady in the water. and i don't know what is scarier: lady in the water or a zombie.

in other news...

sam is working very hard at finding a more permanent job. he has a second interview today with a bank that seems promising. we believe God is teaching us many things during this transitional period of our lives and excitedly seeking what He might have in the near future.

i celebrated my 29th birthday this week. somehow my 20s escaped me and without notice or alarm. but i keep hearing the 30's are better, brighter...i'll let you know. next year.

what else. what else. i suppose since i am having to stop to think that either means there isn't much else to report or i need a second cup of coffee. we will go with both!

so long, farewell. and sweet dreams.

Monday, September 19, 2011

cowboys and aliens...and a musty smelling old man

today we took evelyn to see cowboys and aliens at the dollar theater as her first movie going experience. appropriate for her age? yeah, i thought so too. she surprised all of us, didn't get upset by the loudest of sounds and ended up sleeping through the climax of the plot and the ending. we promised to fill her in later. apparently an aging harrison ford and daniel craig just didn't do it for her.

as we were leaving an old man approached us. he smelt of must and was carrying a bag and a jacket. he looked and smelt homeless. he came up to us so quickly it sort of took us off guard and started talking to us about the movie and when he tapped out that topic swiftly moved to talking about what it must be like to be an extra in a movie. we eventually started to push the stroller forward, smiling and wishing him well as we moved toward the parking lot.
i've thought a lot about that man today. thought i could have been more gracious with my time and given him a few more minutes of conversation because it just seems like that is what he needed. to talk. if i could go out and find him...i just might. i don't mean this to sound cliche but i started to think about how much God loves that old, musty smelling man just as much as He loves me. it makes me sad to think i rushed off so quickly and really just brushed him off. sometimes, many times, i just need to talk and i'm so thankful i have people in my life to listen what i have to say...even if it is talking about nothing at all. sometimes nothing at all is just what is most important in a day. i asked for forgiveness of my selfishness and for a chance to listen to someone else, or to give of myself to someone else in their moment of need.
today was a big day...for all of us.

Friday, September 16, 2011

i believe i can fly...

i start singing that song from space jam (uhhh, huuuuh, space jam, you huuuurd me), "i believe i can fly...i believe i can touch the sky..." every time i see my daughter in this pose:
cracks me up. it is evelyn's version of fly-sky diving/pulling a mission impossible. she's stealth, pure stealth.

poor baby also has an upper respiratory infection that has lead to an unfortunate and very raspy cough. she is wheezing a bit and we are having to give her breathing treatments daily. makes me think about other parents who have or have at one time had their baby in the hospital and how hard it must be to watch them have treatments and be treated. i'm so thankful for how healthy and happy evelyn is and thank God for that blessing every day.

tomorrow evelyn will be 6 months old and if i were like my mother i would be pregnant with baby number two right now. cannot imagine that really. i suppose this means i'm not the "lets pop them out" sort of gal, oh well. i just can't believe she is already half a year old. blowing my mind. we are going to get her 6 month pics taken tomorrow. maybe she will give us her "i believe i can fly" pose. here's to hoping.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

We are the Forrester Three

Here we are, you've found us. You've found Forrester...and if you haven't seen the movie you really should! We would like to keep you all up to date with the day-to-day mundane, semi-exciting, and exciting circumstances that we three Forresters find ourselves in.

Evelyn update: We are rolling...and rolling and rolling and almost rolling off of things when we aren't watching! Always smiling and happy and the best thing about our life.

Sam update: Sam was displaced back in May and was not able to find a teaching job in Nashville. But God is good and has provided in SO many ways and we are SO amazed by His goodness and provision. Right now he is working at a golf course and as an assistant girls basketball coach at a high school here in Lakewood, CO.  We are praying and anticipating the next thing He has for Sam job-wise.

We have just recently moved back to Colorado and are loving feeling the cool, fall air settle upon us in these early September days.

My birthday is coming up soon ( the 26th) and i will be entering into the last year of my 20s. WHAT?! i know, right? how the heck did i get here?! i'm not quite sure and am obviously just as shocked as you are. blowing my mind. sometimes i think: at least i have a baby to show for it. ha! 

i would love to add some pictures of evelyn as she is growing so very fast but i am unable to find the cord to connect the camera to the computer so those will just have to wait.

if you haven't yet read this: The Help and then go see the movie.
if you haven't yet watched this: Parenthood GO GO GO now and get into that show. it is great.
if you haven't yet listened to this: Gavin DeGraw's new single

i know football season is upon us, and i will never stop being weirded out by hearing other women get so excited about it,  but there is more to the fall than football. i KNOW i'm not alone in this thought. like why can't we get more excited about pumpkin spice lattes and well, coffee in general? or cards. canasta anyone? THAT is what the fall is about! bring on the cold weather to drink more hot coffee and canasta! not watch endless amounts of football! WHOSEWITHME????

sam has this cough, bless his heart, but it drives me nuts. and he shakes the whole gosh-darn bed when he coughs. i think its giving me a complex. A COMPLEX. like i NEED another complex. 

lots of love, hugs and kisses. now for some chocolate.