finding forrester

Thursday, December 29, 2011

our little expert

evelyn's first christmas was a success....we managed to get every non-food related item she shoved into her mouth OUT of her mouth before she swallowed it. i call that success! she is an expert crawler, puller-upper and is now jabbering on saying "mama" just as much as "dada." walking may be in our near future. yikes-a-bee!

evelyn knows the word fan, water, and our names and can locate each thing/person when you ask by looking toward the thing/person being asked for. she LOVES to eat and waves her arms and kicks her legs for things like blueberries, sweet potatoes and green beans. the poo changes that have come with the food have been, well, less than desirable but hey, whatcanyado?

 here are a few pics from christmas and today. ennnnnnjoy.

merry christmas, i luv my thumb.

heeeeyyyyyy, gimmmme that camera.

pulling up...

and up....

puuurty in pink


lemme outa here!

almost free

peek a boo?

i'm a pro

you're just going to leave me in here? really?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

9 months, tim tebow and snowmaggedon.!

i don't know what to think of my little pea pod turning 9 months yesterday. it just seems like a week ago we brought her home and now she is crawling, eating solids and pulling up on things that slide out from underneath her. i almost feel like i don't have a baby anymore because shes grown just so gosh darn fast.

we held nothing back this week in the way of food. she has tried everything from sweet potatoes to red bell pepper to prunes, and has liked it all! yes, even the red bell pepper! the faces she makes are priceless and comical to say the least.

a first for me... i heard myself say this today: i think tim tebow has made me want to watch a football game. did you fall on the ground? so did sam...practically. i really couldn't believe i heard the words roll so easily off my tongue either. like him or not, you just can't argue there is something about him that is different...and we like him!

last night sam and i watched approximately 22 minutes of a movie called Snowmaggeddon on Syfy. ohmydearsweetlordjesus! how do we get those 22 minutes back? well, we don't. the tragic mental images of poorly crafted film is forever blazoned upon our brains.  Snowmaggeddon makes movies like Twilight, Troll 2, and Scanners look like works of freekin' art! i realize i will probably get some back-lash for the Twilight reference but COMEON, people! vampires that sparkle with diamond skin in the day-light?! PUH-lease.

for the last 7 days i have felt a bit "under the weather." when you are a mother "under the weather" is a nonexistent term. and i thought parts of college were challenging. nope. does not even hold a candle to trying to care for a baby and the ailing self simultaneously. i have a whole new respect for my mother these days.

we went driving around to see christmas lights tonight. isn't there something just so charming about christmas lights? they make life feel simpler somehow.

we've had so many changes this year and i often wonder if we have learned the lessons meant for us. i hope we have.  we've also been so blessed this year in so many ways. God is good to us even when we don't see or feel Him, even when our circumstances aren't what we wished they would be - He is still good and i am still thankful.

and go tebow! haHA! (that was for you, sam)

Monday, December 5, 2011

merry december

here are some festive pics of evelyn to cheer you and warm your spirits.
vintage mo

i can't get out of these things!


what is that i see? a speck on the carpet?

can we say Ah-dor-ABLE?

so over it, mom.

you know, my back has been a little sore...

proud papa

deer in the headlights