finding forrester

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

new camera, new learning curve

we got a new camera! it is very nice, veeeeery fancy and we've yet to take the time to really figure out how to work it properly. most of the pictures i have taken are blurry because our soon-to-be one-year-old daughter doesn't care a snit to stop and pose for a picture. she'd prefer to be in an ever-constant state of motion, and the pictures reflect that by being a bloody, blurry mess. so i have taken the time to choose for you, dear reader, the best of the batch. we aren't photographers and that is evident. with no further explanation...enjoy...
oh, you're watching me...again.

there you are, swarley! how did you get up here?

i luv me a good book. *for rona*

close up

do you like apples as much as i do, mom?

you don't? i'm appalled!

oh! you were kidding?!

tell me the truth!

oh, good! i'm SO glad you were kidding. apples rock!

oh look what i found. i can reach it, watch me.

early birthday toy: elefante. we loooove elefante.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

tennessee in february is nice and cool

Well we just got back from our trip to Tennessee on a food crawl, i mean to visit Sam's family. but partially that is true...we were on a food crawl and DANG was that food good! i managed to leave evelyn's favorite book on the plane. the only book she will actually not turn her eyes from when we read it to her and look at the book stack! go me. i guess i'm going to have to find another copy of it since it was given to us when she got her 6 month shots.

now let me just say this. traveling with a baby is hard core. it is no lazy-sunday-afternoon-nap-on-the- couch. it is messy and chaotic at best. and i'm sure we received many a glance of insanity on our journey to and fro. the flight from denver to nashville was the most challenging because we had woken early, and when i say early i mean the sun wasn't even warm yet, gotten to the airport about 4 hours too early and had to keep evelyn awake so she would "pass out" as we took off. this girl is high energy all the live long day. me being the slight germ-a-phobe that i am (at least i'm honest) i wouldn't let her crawl on the ground in the airport. yeah, i didn't. so by the time we got onto the plane she was a ball of tired, figity and limitless energy. now there is just something about "tired" energy that is more of a challenge than "i've slept great" energy. so we are sitting in our seats and the pilot comes on to tell us they have a minor issue with the left wing's de-icing whatever that needs to be fixed. now let me just say that all it takes for me to lose any logic or level-headedness that i may possess is to hear a pilot tell me something needs to be "fixed" on a plane i'm about to strap myself to. so we are sitting like sardines in an stuffy, non-airconditioned airplane sweating like its mid-july in the south. i am holding evelyn who is trying desperatly to free herself from my lap, grab the poor, unsuspecting woman's hair in front of us, touching everyone who passes by, and, you know, giving me a run for my money. blissful, really. it was just a fantastic start to our little vacation. but we weren't going to let it ruin the day or the trip.

a few minutes later the pilot came back on and said they had fixed the problem and we were ready to go. WAAAHOOO. so we begin to pull back from the gate. stop. pull back up. huh?! the pilot comes back on and says, "um, we have another small issue that needs to be fixed. we will let you know when it gets fixed and then we will be on our way." there is still no air conditioning and now evelyn is screaming bloodly murder because she has been confined to car seats, strollers, arms and laps for somewhere around 5 hours. we have become "those people."  you know which ones i'm referring to. those people who have a screaming baby in an airplane/restaurant/insert your own small and confined space here. thankfully we had nice people around us who didn't give us grief or the stink eye but tried to makes faces at our rosy-cheeked, exhausted baby. bless them.

well the pilot comes back on and tells us that one of the engines WON'T start so they have to do it manually with some machine. REALLY? um, is it too late to get off this ride??? i look to sam and say, "well at least if we die we're all going to heaven together!" that was the only upside i was seeing. so three attempts later at starting the engine (and if you've never witnessed this, and i hope you haven't, you must know that the sound it makes is something kin to a siren and a very unnerving sound!) we were good-to-go! ha! it had been a solid hour and we were finally pulling away from the gate. shortly after take-off evelyn was asleep and i was breathing again. i think i stopped breathing for a solid fifteen minutes.

but we landed, had a great trip. saw lots of family and some friends. we are SO blessed. it just wasn't long enough, it really wasn't. while in Memphis, evelyn got her first black eye. yep. she managed to pull a t.v. tray down onto her face. i'd post a pic but my camera has crapped out on me.

we do love our tennessee. it is where we met and started our life together. it is where evelyn was born. and it still feels partially like home. maybe it always will.

to all that housed, fed and loved on us, we are so thankful and our hearts are full! we love you, miss you and think of you often. you're worth every bump of travel that it takes to see your faces. we will be back soon.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

all things evelyn

i've been slacking a bit on my posting. sorry. life gets a little away from me sometimes. it seems cliche to say, "i've been busy" even though i have been, but who isn't busy these days anyway? i would love to update with some pictures but my camera has recently crapped out on me. that is unfortunate.

lately...evelyn is "cruising." for those of you who aren't familiar with the term it means she holds onto things (like the couch) and walks. we keep waiting for her to take a first step.

she is currently recovering from a stomach bug and has thrown up on and off for the past three days. we are hoping she will be "vomit free" from today on out. makes me think of Ted, on How I Met Your Mother, who prided himself on being "vomit free since '93." if only that were even true for me!

it amazes me how much more evelyn seems to "come to life" every week and month that passes. this especially amazes me between the hours of 5 and 6 a.m. when she relentlessly wakes up every.single.morning regardless of when we put her to bed.

she has learned to climb the stairs, respond to sign language, fight us at nap and bed times, and even say "kitty." she loves cheerios, cheese, avocado, pears, bananas, sweet potatoes and her Tennessee pillow pet, Smokey, who she will crawl to and lay her head down on and smile with wild abandon when you ask her, "where's smokey?"  then, you must say, "awwww, sweet smokey," as she holds keeps her head down on him. it is the CUTEST thing i think i've ever seen!

every time she plays a note on her little piano she looks to us for approval and we clap and cheer. sometimes this will go on for a very long time. she has also taken to "dancing" when any kind of music is played, be if from the radio, one of her toys, or a t.v. show. she is a riot, and every day is a mini-adventure.

and soon, very soon, she will be a year did we get here so fast? time flies when you aren't getting any sleep! cheers! and happy saturday.