finding forrester

Monday, August 20, 2012

kissing summer goodbye

its been a while. we have had a busy summer, to say the least, and i have been bad at updating. so here is a picture update for all ya'll out there.

vacaaaaaa picnic in the mountains

where we made evelyn sleep on vacation. its a hard-knock life

flower child

the ieat-myself-girl

i'm open!!!!!

seriously, guyyzzzz, if you aren't going to pass to me I QUIT!

mmmm, deeeelish.

we eat... ahhh-lot around this hizzle

4 generation picture

kissing paps in la grange, tx
daddy look alike

sam trying to fish as good as i do
evelyn moving in for her first fish encounter....didn't go over well.

running from the slimy fish. that's my guuurl.