finding forrester

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

mid may tastes best with a little bit of mo

i am thrilled to say that i can see the end of my medical transcription program and will be taking my final in july! *high five* the road has been long...the days have been's all been excruciatingly long. as if my days aren't busy enough with just trying to keep up with evelyn and all the house work i try to cram in a workout and a significant amount of work 6 out of 7 days a week. it hasn't been easy, in fact it has probably been the hardest, most challenging stage of my life so far. i know there are a lot of people out there, men and women, who just don't believe the work load and time commitment - not to mention time management - of a stay-at-home-working-from-home mom. i know i didn't get it until i found myself knee deep in it. i love being able to stay home, i cherish the time i get to just hang out with mo and read her the same book about a million times in 8 minutes, change her dirty butt, hear her laugh, heck, make her laugh....but its also such a draining job in much more than just physical ways. but even though i find myself wiped and warped at the end of most days i'm always thankful. it's really hard not to be when i have so much and am blessed with so much.

sam and i often talk about the "days before evelyn" and how we miss this or that and just being able to pick up and go see a movie or out to eat somewhere and just linger and be. the days when you didn't worry about nap times and packing snacks and do we have a change of clothes or a pacifier are so long behind us the dust has almost made them disappear all together. and if i were offered the chance to go back i know i'd say no, knowing evelyn doesn't make me wish for those things but be glad that we had those things for as long as we did. i think we are better people because we got to know "us" before she came along and that has helped in ways we probably don't realize.

i know i probably don't know what hectic is since i only have one child. it seems in the "mother circles" that only having one child some how makes you a rookie. you can't run with the big dogs until you have childREN. i guess i'll report on that some day later on down the road. (NO i'm NOT pregnant)

marveling in the fact that it is mid may....the year is flying past us. evelyn is 14-months-old. i just can't believe how fast things change. here are some pictures of mo from today. she is so expressive, inquisitive, full-of-life, charming, whiny, smart little fair skinned beauty. and she makes every day better and worth feeling wiped out!

hangin' out on uncle dave's old bed. one of her fav hang-outs

i'm a little bit cuh-raaaazy

and a lil bit sweet

i climb on eeerrrrythang

look...i'm a spider monkey

wasn't kidding, i'm really a spider monkey

almost there....

wait for it...


exhaustion...but only for 3 seconds


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